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Monday, May 30, 2011

What's Your Sign's Weakness?

Each astrological sign has a designated part of the body that's especially sensitive and needs to be treated with extra care. Learn how the stars dictate which part of your physical being deserves special attention!

Aries rules the head, so they're much more prone to headaches than other signs. Fresh air and deep breathing are particularly important for the headstrong, impulsive Ram.

Because Taurus rules the throat, soreness in this area is a common occurrence. They should be sure to keep lozenges handy, while avoiding anyone who's sneezing and wheezing!

Ruling the shoulders and lungs, Gemini needs to watch for tenseness in their upper body and chest. Flexibility exercises are vital, while meditative breathing will also help keep them relaxed.

Cancer rules the breasts and stomach, which can lead to this sign having a weakness for comfort food; in fact, too many carbohydrates and sugary foods can be the Crab's downfall. A balanced diet and more exercise will serve them well!

Leo rules the heart and backbone, so they need to avoid fatty foods and too much cholesterol. They also need to keep their spine supple with plenty of stretching exercises.

Virgo rules the digestive system, which is why certain foods can sometimes give them problems. They'll do best with a light diet, and fiber is an absolute must for their temperamental digestive tract.

Since Libra rules the kidneys, this sign must take good care of their body's filtering system. Lots of water, as well as vegetables that are high in water content -- broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower -- are recommended.

Scorpio rules the genitals and lower digestive tract, and is prone to fevers and inflammations. They should steer clear of anyone with an infectious bug, and they certainly shouldn't overload their diet with too much red meat or alcohol.

Sagittarius rules the hips, thighs and liver. With their love of travel, they need to watch their step -- literally -- as they are prone to falls. And they should curb their tendency to do nearly everything to excess.

Capricorn rules the knees and joints, so this sign would be wise to boost their flexibility with fish oil capsules, which will keep their moving parts fluid. And like the Goat that they are, they need to keep their feet firmly planted on the ground.

A must for Aquarius is to keep their circulatory system in good health -- a sometimes-difficult task for a sign not known for practicality. Annual checkups and a low-cholesterol diet are mandatory for the Water Bearer.

Pisces rules the feet and lymphatic system. For the former, smart footwear is crucial; as for the latter, lymphatic massage will help keep their immune system healthy.

by Marjorie Orr January 08, 2011 01:09 AM EST

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