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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Aura Protection

Protection is needed from negative energies, though forms and entities, from psychic attacks, spells, psychic vampires, from danger situations.
But before going further I need to mentioned that I have noticed many people suffering from a mild form of paranoia which is based of course on fear. Acknowledging this fear of demons, reptiles etc will drive you mad. The fear of a psychic attack will create more damage then the actual attack. First try to just ignore the attacker or source of attack, it will help a lot. Second if the attacker persists then it’s time to respond by boosting the attacker/source. People relate their stories of attacks and when I asked them if they boosted the target they will reply : “I just forgot”. Please don’t forget, send the energy back were it came from.

It is important for the energy sensitive people to maintain their energy levels. And I bet many of you guys who read this, experienced exhaustion when going out in the crowds. That’s because sensitive people’s charkas are a little more opened then the average people. There are many people out there who are very low in energy and they will unconsciously absorb from your charged aura, draining your energy. Some of them are trained to do that, the energy vampires cults. You must take control over the situation and give away the energy when you want and to whom you want. More then that you should became a channel of energy, allowing the energy flowing thru you to the hungry energy people, if you consider they deserve it, otherwise your reserves will be depleted.

Part of your protection involves clearing your aura and charkas regularly, taking etheric showers or baths meditating, keeping yourself grounded, cutting cords, removing implants, bugs and dark entities, dealing with negative feelings, fear, anxiety.
Many people are empaths (picking up others feelings) a wonderful ability but can harm you if you don’t know how to use in positive ways.
Filtering the energy is usually a better protection tool then a shield. When using a shield, the beneficial energies might not reach your aura, so be wise in choosing your protection. I prefer a filter so I can select the energies. But when doing “dangerous work” of course a shield would be more appropriate and after the work is finished an etheric shower is necessary, as well as washing your hands physically, breaking the connection with the one you worked on.
Use protective stones in your orgone creations. Clean your crystals and stones before using them.

Charged water is an amazing protector. It increases the power of orgone creations by approximately 5 times and if you pray over the water it increases the powers by 14-15 times.Water does miracles indeed, but it has to be pure without the sprit of greed. Spray your house and outside with this water and use it in your orgone gifts, it really amplyfies the power of orgone gifts.

Being a sensitive- empath you are someone’s target emotions and negative thoughts and you absorb them like a sponge. The solar plexus chakra is the main point of entry of these negative thoughts. Solar plexus always must be protected.
Just visualizing a ball of gold light covering your solar plexus or just simply cover your solar with one of your palms. Also you have to deal with the harmful energies by giving expression to them via throat chakra. That can be done by singing or whistling in order to release the pressure avoiding damaging words.
Another good technique is surrounding yourself with a sphere of protection. Breath in golden light and surround yourself with this golden light. Gold is the color of protection, it allows positive vibrations into your aura and strengthens the auric field. Use it before going to bed along with a prayer for protection.
Use affirmations as healing and protective tools, they are simple and effective. Ask your heart to find the right wording for your affirmations, thanking your heart after you receive them. It helps if you keep repeating them, if you say them out loud they will be more powerful.
Prayer is a very powerful protective tool, use it in combinations with any other technique or tool you like. I bet there are many protection tools and techniques out there, use the ones who feel right for you and may we all be protected and healthy.

It is not fair to get depleted, there must be an exchange of energy always when you interact with someone. You give some energy , they will give some energy, as simple as that.
The meridians of the body terminate at the toes and fingers. Crossing feet and hands, you close the whole body energy circuit. Cross your feet at the ankles and fold your arms acrossed your solar plexus when you feel your energy is “stolen” from you.

Another trick is look into someone’s left eye rather then right eye. The right eye is the sender of mental energies and if you look at it you can be more easily influenced.
Another one is do not face someone who can influence you mentally or emotionally, the solar plexus is the main point of entry, if you face someone better cover your solar plexus.

Feet chakras balancers (orgone) keep one grounded and connected to earth, and create a protective filed around feet that will block the intrusion of unwanted energies (entities) into ones energy filed. It also seems that once feet energy centers are unblocked, the root chakra (where kundalini shakti resides) that is associated with abundance, grounding, instinct, security, manifestation becomes balanced and stable.
Check out this powerful pendant (orgone) that helps protect and keep aura clean.

-- Lilly

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