Saturday, January 22, 2011

Why using an altar? What is it?

An altar is considered sacred and it is used by many cultures, religions, traditions. It used to focus your awareness to something you want to manifest, achieve, desire or worship. It represents who you are, your family and dear ones. It is a place to retreat for prayers, meditation, quieting the mind, relaxation.
Building your own altar can uplift your life and bring you blessings.

What items to use for your altar?
Incense that you adore, candles, fresh flowers, fruits, gemstones and crystals, orgone creations,symbols that you honor like angels, sacred elixirs dolphins fairies, spiritual animals, pictures of your teachers or dear ones, statues of divinities etc.

I also use white sage and palo santo wood for cleansing space before entering a ceremony or meditation. They offer protection, have a very powerful effect on the third eye (psychic sense) as well as making it easier to enter an altered state.
An altar can be as small as a candle or incense or you can expand it by adding symbols that you’d like to work with.

Why the power of manifestation or prayer is more powerful when using an altar?

You give powers to your altar by invoking the energies that you want to work with: angels, archangels, spiritual healers, shamans, dolphins, fairies, dragons, goddesses, spirit of power animals etc.
When invoking these vibrations your mind enters an altered state of parallel world of existence where vibrations are perceived differently and your mind is able to move between worlds and communicate with other spirits depending on your ability of communication.

Keep your altar clean, dust it on a regular basis, honor it, enter the space being humble, with respect. Sacred music can be played or use chanting to amplify the focus and powers of your ritual/ceremony.

When you have completed your work in front of your altar give honor to helping spirits or energies you have been meditating or working with and ask the spirits to depart in peace.

I honor all traditions, faiths, religions, so my altar is the result of study and experience intuitively of a multitude of faiths and philosophies.

This is my altar for moon transmissions/blessings where I added the work of 4 elements: fire, water, earth, air, and Sky- Male Energy, Earth- female energy and the Great Spirit of Wisdom, Healing, Light and Truth.

May your altar serve your spiritual path well.

2nd Moon Transmission culminating with intensity ans passion

Jan 19, 2011 -- 2nd Moon Transmission -- Love and Relationships.

1 more moon transmission left in this triangle of moon transmissions.

 The 2nd Moon Transmission was more subtle then usual. It was supposed to be this way for many reasons: it penetrated the very fabric of our being in specific ways, starting gently and culminating with passion and intensity because that's what LOVE is.

The moon transmissions are only sent to my free newsletter friends, if you want to be part you have to subscribe otherwise I do not have your permission.

Please understand the transmissions are sent to your higher self and if you do not want to accept them for any reason they will be transferred to who is ready for receiving, always respecting high principles of etheric integrity

The energy of our guides was invoked, our higher selves invited, angels of love, partnership, relations, playful dolphin families that I met in the physical…and of course the Full Moon.
There were quite a few people participating not only to find a soul mate, but also to find the internal friend and peace within self.

There was a lot of cleansing taking place, a LOT of EGO (anger, defensiveness, pointing fingers, blaming were cleansed deeply). There were missing parts (fragments) or parts that were altered in a negative stagnant way in the heart center, mental and emotional bodies. With the help of the Moon the altered parts were reminded the healthy blue print and the missing parts were replaced with highest vibration to create wholeness.

The guidance was to make powerful different energetic adjustments to align the energies in the heart center to enable passion and intensity in the heart center to make you take action in order to find love/ self love. In fact I felt a huge amount of energy immediately after the transmission was completed and a few days after. Quite a few people mentioned similar results next days.

Imagine what will happen after the third moon transmission is completed? I strongly suggest tuning into the last one, Feb 3rd, 2011. 3 is a powerful number of completion! 3 moon Blessings will enable you to personally evolve and act on your decisions!  


“Hey Lilly,
I just wanted to let u know I feel great today, I think the moon transmission helped me! I have been feeling so blah lately and unmotivated, but last night around 8 I started feeling super energized. I started clearing my space at home and today at work I got so much done.” ~ Mel H


“Lovely Lilly!
Wow, this full moon is powerful. I felt it hours before here, I consciously opened myself to the source, repeated some mantras, went home from work and cleaned some space, meditated and sent so much heart energy out my body shook a bit. The moon worked WITH me, like being pillowed, and very few stray thoughts entered my mind. Now I am still in this place of high energy and vibrations, and feel more relaxed and centered than I have in days. I feel this one compliments the new moon transmission (Jan4th2011), and whereas that time concentration was
hard, this time it came easily.” ~Megan


Physical action is necessary to be taken daily. First observe your patterns, your behavior as a single human being and CHANGE them. If you keep doing the same thing again and again and you have no results then change whatever you do. Invite love mate, self love into your space.

Make room for your partner not only in your heart but also in your closet, bed, garage, bathroom, and also ACT as if the partner is already in your life.

Be flexible, let go of your rigid single man or woman habits, opinion… let in the one that is waiting for you in your life!!! Let him or her in… show signs…Similar if you already are in a relationship but is not that great, try being flexible. Allow yourself to be wrong for once in life, notice how much the other will be willing to let go…

Same for your LOVE: make room for LOVE to come to your being. How? Simple by loving yourself more… making room in your life for what you love and actually DO IT!

Ask yourself: what do I love to do in life? Close your eyes and let your inner being answer the question (not your outside world but your inner world). Only when you love yourself others will love and respect you because you radiate love. We communicate with each other thru our vibrations, the silent language of energy. People will love and respect you for who you are, not for your look, make up or cloths.

The beauty of Moon transmissions is that our cells and subtle energetic fields are embedded with the power of manifestation in order to help us take action.
So our blue print is taken care of, we look good, we feel good, now go out in the world, letting go of attachments and experience in real world what has been embedded in your sub consciousness: the intense, passionate energy of LOVE!

So until next New moon Feb 3, 2011, when we’ll be opening the channels of health and healing vibrations this is what I suggest:

1. Sit in silence and allow the man/woman of your dream come to you in visuals or thoughts. DO NOT get attached to the outcome, PLEASE… have fun with it… make it playful… Feel good about having someone nice and loving in your life. Just try it.

2. Create room in your life, space in your closet, like described above

3. Go out in the world and experience what you have worked on … expect great results! I always tell people that in life we get what we expect not what we want!

Have fun and let me know of your successes, please, would love to hear your success stories! Remember the channels of love, partnership and relationship have been opened, you just need to do your homework.

Love and appreciation,

Moon Transmissions

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Transformation in Peru: Ayahuasca ~ Yoga retreat, July 2011

Peru Sacred Journey into the spiritual world -- Full Moon Yoga 7 days Retreat:
July 11- July 17 2011

~ Shamans ~ Ayahuasca and San Pedro journeys ~ Machu Picchu ~ Yoga ~ Healing ~

Experience some of the most powerful spots on Earth, a deeper connection with the spirit of plant, the vibrations of Apus (sacred mountains) in Peru, humming bird, -- which is associated with the heart center, bring joy and happiness with superpowers to heal.
A magical, unique experience that will shift the way you perceive the world...

Second Moon Transmission Jan 19, 2011

First New Moon Transmission of this year 2011, on Jan 4th was massive energetic opening, our psyche being supercharged. The energy of the new moon is more subtle then full moon, that doesn’t mean is less powerful. It harnesses tremendous powers but felt more subtly. I have felt the vibrations of people tuning into the transmission at 4:44 tremendously powerfully.

The transmission started with removing blocks in our abundance system and wealth energetic channels including cleaning vows of poverty from ancestors and our DNA. Real powerful!

Next a massive void has happened very similar to what I have experienced on the Winter Solstice. During the void period a lot of acceptance and guidance was being transmitted to us. Our higher selves were hooked into the greater source of wisdom. I had some visions of us being connected to the Source. Some people refused the connection (just a few though).

The moon, which is the massive natural satellite, influences your daily life in mysterious ways. New Moons and Full Moons are very powerful and potent times in working with manifesting miraculously.

The moon transmissions that I offer are very powerful, you do not have to believe in them you just have to accept them. I only send the transmissions to higher selves, and if someone is not ready I do not proceed with the transmission and respect their decision. All happens in divine timing!

After this connection with the source, we were being reminded of our original blueprint and our cells were brought back to our blueprint pattern.

A huge wave of power surrounded us in the etheric dimension during the transmission abundance and success. The wealth and abundance channels have been opened. I felt and saw quite a few of us succeeding this year. Our cellular structure was upgraded to higher levels of success and prosperity that come from our heart center. The transmissions are spiritual coming from the heart. The wealth that will be achieving is a high vibrational spiritual wealth that will be helping not only us but people around. It’s time to bring spiritual wealth back home. No more grid, no more superficial and low vibration materialism.

We were next opened to the principles of receiving ‘more then enough’ for us, our families and friends.

I was then given this ‘mantra’: “the more connected to the source, the more we will be given, and the more we’ll be receiving the more we’ll be able to give” so ...

“stay connected to the source, receive and give“… and then stay in this loop, you can repeat this again and again” you can also visualize the whole loop.

Energies were subtle at first and then transformed into massive vibrations, ending with subtleness.

After we ended being saturated with wealth vibrations at cellular level we were opened to the highest vibrations of wisdom and embedded in our systems ways of spending our money in healthy and spiritual ways in other words using our wealth “wisely”.

Session ended with a very deep wave of peace surrounding our higher selves.

Channels o wealth were opened in us. Honor the opening. I already feel them and experince them, are you?

Two questions that were asked and answered ethericaly by our higher selves, you ca work with these questions or just repeat them many times before you go to bed.

1. What is it you need to STOP doing, in order to move towards your wealth ?

2. What is it you need to START doing, in order to create massive results?

Next moon transmissions: 2 more to come that are part of this triangulation that has started this new year Jan 4th: Jan 19th at 4:44 pm PST and Feb 3rd at 4:44 PST.

This last moon blessing was powerful, open yourself up to the next two moon transmissions and you will open even more channels and ways to achieve success on all levels in your life.

See you in the ethers on the next full moon where will be opening the channels of LOVE and work on relationships, personal and worldwide.

I will be invoking the moon and the Sun powers that represent the unification of soul mates, the sacred marriage, the yin and yang- balance.

What I ask you to do is before the transmission write on a piece of paper how would you like your soul mate to look like if you haven’t found him or her yet or how would you like to change in order to embrace yourself in the most powerful way. Also write about opening the channels of love in your heart and improve relationships. Then next tune into the above on Wednesday 4:44 pm PST and just receive what will be sent to you.

Until next time,

Be Blessed


3 Moon Blessings

Have you ever monitored your thoughts? If so what was your first thought in 2011?

My first thought/intention for 2011 was… LOVE! I was surprised as my mind went blank for a few seconds… I expected more wishes and intentions to come out my mind’s sleeves… So I let myself drifted away in these vibrations as I was gently "getting it" into deeper levels : if there is love there is everything…

So… Love to you in this New Year!

Join in me for the next 3 moon transmissions on

Jan 4th, 2011

Jan 19, 2011

and Feb 3rd 2011

Number 3- magical powerful number! Try to stay open to the set of 3 blessings and I promise you will experience more power, authentic knowledge and a huge transformation.


On these specific days focus on what I am suggesting:

We’ll be working with the powers of the new moon on Jan 4th in planting seeds for 2011 for wealth (including spiritual wealth) and wisdom.

Jan 19 will be invoking the powers of the full Moon for Love and Relationships and on Feb 3rd will be bringing our awareness to health and healing powers.

When you will receive a Moon blessing you will feel more energy, you will be able to feel the transformation and messages of wisdom will start saturating your consciousness.

January 4th, 2011 at 4:44pm PST. Sit in silence and receive. There is tremendous power in Silence! Remember to bring your awareness to your wealth and wisdom. The results can be miraculous if you invite your full awareness… Lit a candle, burn incense, and open up to this special transmission. As you transform your vibrations you will also be able to make a massive difference in people’s lives… Awww I already feel the power! Will love to hear of your success!

Lets plant the seeds for 2011!

Jan 4th 2011, 4:44 pm PST!

See you in the ethers!

Moon Blessings

~ Lilly

What happened on the night of December Winter Solstice and Eclipse of 2010?

We are the juncture of a HUGE transition!!! We have to stay in our highest vibrations! The winter solstice and eclipse of Dec 21, 2010 was an Extraordinary Unique Night of POWER! Some of us considered it even bigger then 2012!!!

My feelings that we were already in 2012 were shared with me by others that felt the same. During this night celebration that lasted almost 3 hours I have experienced three phases of transformation where the energy went very deep into the darkness, purged and cleansed from the roots up. There was a lot of resistance and blocks that hold many of us back from following our dreams.

I have burnt 108 negative words that I have previously written like: disease, poverty, fear, anger, frustration etc and was so surprised when the word FEAR burnt for about a minute or two, without logical explanation, as the other words burnt in a second or two... The energy of burning and clearing were very strong when the “Earth pollution” was also burned. The energy of releasing negative thoughts and behaviors was very intense. My husband who took part in this ceremony had a very intense experience of heart opening: first he had an unexplained pain and burning sensation in his hear center and then a beautiful release and opening.

The next phase was a deep and very quiet phase of meditation where everything looked like void waiting for the light to fill it. I was out in other dimensions, having tons of visuals past-present-future with a lot of downloading happening. I have psychically seen the womb of Mother Earth cooking and rebirthing our new Earth. My soul sister Yasmine, shared with me the next day the same powerful vision she had during the ceremony.

In one of my past prophetic visions I was guided to gather 12 women including myself to work on this powerful night. 12 of us met in the etheric realms and some of us could see us working as a group on the heart of our planet. The 12 circle of women spread around the world multiplying in circles of 12 women and men around the world.

Why number 12?

It’s about completion and wholeness. Everything in the universe is mathematics: numbers, logic, chemistry, the earth, geometry, everything's is based on numbers.

The third phase was the most beautiful where the divine light started to radiate from the inside filling the whole space with joy and outwardly beautiful visions. Our angels that are with is since birth were all around us during that night. I literarily felt them touching me, I looked over my shoulder to see them.

Was the most powerful Night of deep work. I hope you enjoy it!

I continued the ceremony in my sleep and the whole night was filled with angelic blessings.

I invite you to set powerful intentions for yourself the New Year and also for the Next New Moon on Jan, 4th 2011. Meditate on Love on these powerful times - without true love it is impossible to evolve.

May light, healing vibrations and love illuminate your home and heart.
Happy Holidays, Blessed Christmas, prosperous and joyful New Year!


What happened on the night of December Winter Solstice and Eclipse of 2010?

We are the juncture of a HUGE transition!!! We have to stay in our highest vibrations! The winter solstice and eclipse of Dec 21, 2010 was an Extraordinary Unique Night of POWER! Some of us considered it even bigger then 2012!!!

My feelings that we were already in 2012 were shared with me by others that felt the same. During this night celebration that lasted almost 3 hours I have experienced three phases of transformation where the energy went very deep into the darkness, purged and cleansed from the roots up. There was a lot of resistance and blocks that hold many of us back from following our dreams.

I have burnt 108 negative words that I have previously written like: disease, poverty, fear, anger, frustration etc and was so surprised when the word FEAR burnt for about a minute or two, without logical explanation, as the other words burnt in a second or two... The energy of burning and clearing were very strong when the “Earth pollution” was also burned. The energy of releasing negative thoughts and behaviors was very intense. My husband who took part in this ceremony had a very intense experience of heart opening: first he had an unexplained pain and burning sensation in his hear center and then a beautiful release and opening.

The next phase was a deep and very quiet phase of meditation where everything looked like void waiting for the light to fill it. I was out in other dimensions, having tons of visuals past-present-future with a lot of downloading happening. I have psychically seen the womb of Mother Earth cooking and rebirthing our new Earth. My soul sister Yasmine, shared with me the next day the same powerful vision she had during the ceremony.

In one of my past prophetic visions I was guided to gather 12 women including myself to work on this powerful night. 12 of us met in the etheric realms and some of us could see us working as a group on the heart of our planet. The 12 circle of women spread around the world multiplying in circles of 12 women and men around the world.

Why number 12?

It’s about completion and wholeness. Everything in the universe is mathematics: numbers, logic, chemistry, the earth, geometry, everything's is based on numbers.

The third phase was the most beautiful where the divine light started to radiate from the inside filling the whole space with joy and outwardly beautiful visions. Our angels that are with is since birth were all around us during that night. I literarily felt them touching me, I looked over my shoulder to see them.

Was the most powerful Night of deep work. I hope you enjoy it!

I continued the ceremony in my sleep and the whole night was filled with angelic blessings.

I invite you to set powerful intentions for yourself the New Year and also for the Next New Moon on Jan, 4th 2011. Meditate on Love on these powerful times - without true love it is impossible to evolve.

May light, healing vibrations and love illuminate your home and heart.
Happy Holidays, Blessed Christmas, prosperous and joyful New Year!